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Betsy Johnston


As a child growing up in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains in New York State’s textile-rich Mohawk Valley region, Betsy Johnston wove countless potholders and throw rugs. After graduation from SUNY Oneonta, she lived in Dublin, Ireland, where she was introduced to weaving. She continued weaving in Manhattan’s garment district and subsequently became an award winning juried artist.

When not at work as a Registered Nurse or biking long distances, Betsy can be found at one of her four looms, Janome sewing machine, spinning wheel, or knitting, crocheting, or doing bead work. Johnston’s work is available for purchase in our BCA Gift Shop.



©2019 by Buchanan Center for the Arts. 

 Buchanan Center for the Arts

64 Public Square, Monmouth, IL 61462

(309) 734-3033

Gallery Hours

Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm  Saturday 10am-2pm

Sunday & Monday Closed

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Rebecca Quick - Program Coordinator & Social Media Curator

Remy Schwass- Creative Assistant

Sarah Mayfield - Art Presenter Program Coordinator

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Buchanan Center for the Arts acknowledges support from the Illinois Arts Council.

Individuals with disabilities who would like to attend events or classes, please contact the BCA regarding any special accommodation needs. It is requested that individuals requiring auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters and alternative format materials notify the BCA at least seven working days in advance. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effective and timely manner. 

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